Monday, December 3, 2012

What is relaxation?

Don't ask me. It would appear that I no longer understand the concept. Relaxation is what I thought I was going to do today. I had plans to sit with my dog and watch TV, never changing out of my pajamas. I've earned it. My plan in January was to take the year off from new projects and re-release all my backlist books that were no longer under contract. So, that's what I've done and I've busted my ass at it too.

I just re-released Wicked City a week ago, and The Dread Moon two weeks before that. This year I've re-released, SIX books! Not only am I adding new content and proofing thoroughly once again (and so is my writing partner), I'm doing the cover art for these books. Don't get me wrong, I love every minute of it, but I'm tired. I need to workout more and clean my house. LOL

So, my plan for the day got changed slightly. I said, "Okay, I'll clean the house, and then watch some TV with Roscoe." That quickly got changed to include checking my email and Facebook.

The next thing I know, I'm sitting here re-formatting the next book on my list, Eden. Why? Well, one reason is I feel compelled to do so. I feel as if I can't work on something completely new until I finish putting these backlist titles back out there for readers. I hope that makes sense to someone besides me. If it doesn't, just blame it on OCD.

I would like to finish the Bound by Blood trilogy I started working on. I would also like to write books 6 and 7 in the Lilith Mercury series. However, I can't take on either of these projects because my mind will not stop focusing on the backlist that needs to be finished. I have no idea once I'm caught up, which of these projects will be finished first.

I know there are many readers waiting to see what happens to Lilith and I know that no one likes to wait. I do apologize, but rushing the story would make it less than what I intended. I'm sure no one wants that. I do need to rest my mind here and there.

I thought I would at least take the holidays off, but it appears I am not capable. Although, I'm still wearing my pajamas. At least one part of the plan didn't change.

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