Friday, December 6, 2013


I always knew what that word meant, in a technical sense. However, until recently, I never truly "felt" overjoyed before. I've experienced happiness, but this goes so far beyond that.

Lately, I have been so excited as 4 of my books climb the charts over at Amazon. I'm not posting this to brag, but to share how I'm feeling right now. It seems that a lot of other writers get angry when they see someone posting about book ratings or good reviews. I think they are missing the point. Being happy for someone else when they succeed is the very best way to assure your own success.

Most people do not share their "wins" to be jerks. They are just thrilled that something good has happened to them. As I watch those numbers climb higher and higher, I don't want to rub it in anyone's face. Here's an example of what's going through my head.

"I can pay my bills now!"

"So, THIS is what it feels like to make real money doing what you love!."

"Oh, my GOD. People are actually reading my work and "getting" me."

"This is amazing!"

"I feel like a real author now."

There are not words to express how happy I am. That is what being overjoyed feels like. Not only are my book's rankings improving, so is my author ranking. Right now I'm in the top 100 in Horror and Paranormal Romance. That is freaking amazing! As far as I know those are two of the hardest categories to break into, simply because there is so much horror and paranormal romance out there. LOL

I'm positively giddy right now. I am watching my dreams come to life one day at a time. I wish I had the words to let you know how that feels.

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