Thursday, January 19, 2012

Well, I've been called the devil before

But this is ridiculous. I laughed so hard at this blog post.

Please, take a minute or two to read it when you have a chance. It's making fun of a study/article written by a psychiatrist who claims that romance novels lead women to have unrealistic expectations. Because we all think six-foot-five men with rock hard bodies (who are incredibly well-endowed) grow on trees. Oh, it also blames romance for weight gain, adultery, and unprotected sex. Get real.

First of all, that's stupid. So much so that it's hilarious! I can see the fan letters now, "Yeah, I'm sure my neighbor is a werewolf, but no matter how much silver I stick him with, he won't shift form!"

Or "I've been sitting outside waiting for the fairies to show up, because I planted the flowers they like."

"My best friend says her neighbor is really pale and works at night. We're planning to sneak into his house during the day and see if he's allergic to sunlight."

"My boyfriend has back hair ... is he turning into a werewolf?"


I could go on, but I won't. Nobody is that stupid. Except the psychiatrist who wrote the article. I've never met anyone who read romance or any other type of fiction and expected these stories to come true. Even when I read Lord of the Rings in elementary school, I didn't expect to see elves and hobbits in my back yard. Of course, I fantasized about how cool it would be. :)

Just like I fantasize about hot vampires, sexy werewolves, and all the other things that to bump in the night. It's called imagination and it keeps us young. :)

But, I totally wanted to fly after reading Harry Potter.


Stacey Jo Siferd said...

LOL Sorry but I am roflmao. Due to my extensive reading of every genre I assume I am also going to sprout wings, file in some fangs, obtain night vision like a cat, weave spells with just a flick of my wrist, seduce Dukes and earls of every persuasion with my succubus talents and lead them to their demise. If none of that happens, I'm quite sure I am growing a tail, so I am on my way to something wonderful happening. Thanks to you romance writers I am a new person/shifter/vamp/witch/faerie/historical trollup/ thing :) Now I have sosmeone to blame it on <3

Anna Kathryn Lanier said...

Funny. Now, where's the research on mass murder books and Jason Bourne-type books? Do they give men unexpected expectations of life? Do men expect a beautiful woman to come out of no where needing help? Or are they waiting for the CIA to kidnap them and turn them into a super hero? Do they suddenly decide to become mass murders?

If one can read a book on a mass murder and NOT go out and start shooting up the mall, then why can't a woman read romance and not expect her husband to become a romantic hero? I've read romances for 30 years. I've yet to cheat on my husband or have unprotected sex with a virtual stranger because of that.

The Romanceaholic said...


You know, I read an article that says there's actually science behind why some people like to read romance and some people don't. I can't remember now if it was brain chemistry or genetics/synapse development or what, but still, I thought it was cool.

Though, there's also another study that says women who read romance novels have far more satisfying sex lives than those who don't, so I think it's just jealousy speaking when people talk about how unrealistic and damaging they are :D

Darn those romance novels for making me expect a man to treat me like gold, find me sexy even without makeup, and be a hard working, honorable man! Or for making me think I deserve to have a man who is absolutely besotted with me, devoted to me, and who sticks with me through thick and thin!

Those darned books made me realize that I didn't have to settle for someone who took me for granted and treated me like dirt.. No WONDER the psychiatrists find them so unhealthy! They give women the terrible idea that they don't have to settle for a jerk who will treat them like crap (which in turn, deprives them of clients lol)

Seriously, it's a shame some people honestly believe that reading romance is damaging or a sign of some sort of mental defect or whatever. I've read romance novels since I was in 6th grade (uh, don't tell my mom), and I've been with my wonderful husband for a very happy 12 years and going strong, so my expectations must not be but SO unrealistic as a result of reading them, eh?

*off to plant some pretty flowers to attract fairies to the garden, and then hang some crosses and garlic to ward off the neighborhood vampires*


Tracey H. Kitts said...

You all are cracking me up! Stacey, I laughed so hard at your post I nearly cried.

Anna, I thought the same thing about mass murder books when I first read that post. It makes you wonder, doesn't it?

And Jess, VERY well said. I agree with every word. :)

Btw, the crosses outside your bedroom window totally work to keep vamps away.

At the moment, my husband is wolfing out in the backyard. I keep him in line with threats to grow my own wolfsbane. LOL

Talk2Q said...

I agree with this. What nut took the time to study this? I used to read James Bond books when I was a teen and never got laid or had cool music play when I introduced myself. There a reason why books are separated by fiction and non-fiction in the book stores.

Tracey H. Kitts said...

"I used to read James Bond books when I was a teen and never got laid or had cool music play when I introduced myself."


azure_boone said...

Yeah, the worst thing that's happened to me since i've began writing romance, is me wanting to eff my husbands brains out all the time. Ohhhh, bad romance book!

Romance books should be REQUIRED reading for all high schoolers both male and female, that way guy's aren't all LOST as to what women WANT!

Tracey H. Kitts said...

Very good point, Azure!

BeeCycling said...

That study was so daft. It seems to have missed the point that romance books don't form women's expectations, they reflect them. In exaggerated form maybe, but women are quite capable of telling the difference between a fantastical version of what they want and the version they can realistically expect in an imperfect world.

Tracey H. Kitts said...

Couldn't have said it better myself, Becky. I laughed the whole time I read that study. I think "daft" covers it pretty well. LOL

I mean, not everyone can expect to meet their husband like I did. Roaming around naked on a full moon is NOT for everybody. XD