Thursday, February 23, 2012

Re-vamp of the Werewolf Hunter Series is on the way

As with many of my titles, the rights to the Werewolf Hunter series are in the process of reverting back to me. This means my contracts are running out and I've chosen not to renew them.

I am in the process of re-editing, revising, and expanding each book in the series for re-release. I'm also doing the cover art on these myself this time around. Hopefully, I can accurately capture my vision (and all my reader's visions) of Lilith.

I'm doing this (releasing the books myself) in the hopes of reaching a larger portion of my target audience. Previously, Red (book one in the series) was sold in the category of erotica. It is NOT an erotic romance. Actually, it's the beginning of a paranormal series. There IS romance and eventually there IS erotic content. Just not in book one (the erotic part, I mean). Red sets the stage for everything to come. And there are LOTS of things going on in this series.

As I re-read and edited book one again, I didn't realize how much I'd forgotten about this series. Naturally, I remembered the basics because I wrote it. But I'd forgotten so many little things and character traits. I was very surprised.

Now, as I get to know these characters again, there will be more books to come. I'm re-reading my extensive notes on the series as well and plan to (once I've finished releasing the other titles) start back with the series.

Thank you so much to all my loyal fans of this series. You and your kind emails have kept Lilith Mercury alive.

Now, here is my latest cover art creation. I hope you like it.

Book Description: Dr. Alfred Moody saved her life, but the werewolf, Marco may hold the key to her heart. She’s torn between the man who saved her humanity and the one who makes her want to embrace the beast. WARNING: This series gets hotter as it goes. However, Book One is NOT erotic. Someday Lilith will have a happy ending, but this is only the beginning.

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