Viewpoint - This is the point of view from which the story is told. Some people intuitively understand how to do this and others don’t. If you don't, there's no reason to panic. Anything can be learned. With the exception of flying like Superman. I don't recommend that. But writing from different perspectives? Totally do-able. Here are a few examples.
Omniscient viewpoint
While Jane dreamed of Luis, Shawn was back at the university looking for his secret stash of marijuana. - From Necromancer by Tracey H. Kitts
When writing in omniscient viewpoint, the author can go from character to character. Omniscient viewpoint was popular among 19th century writers and is often associated with literary fiction. You can go into the minds of any or all of the characters if you choose to. It’s not often used in modern fiction because the style is normally slow and doesn’t aid in reader identification with the characters. However, if done properly it can be very effective.
First person
I was looking forward to the end of another hot, miserable summer night as I drove home that evening. Hopefully, the local police would be able to cover up the night’s work without too much difficulty. God forbid they should be inconvenienced. I was only called out at eleven thirty at night to hunt down a rouge werewolf, but hey, why should anyone else lose sleep? - From Red, Lilith Mercury Werewolf Hunter, Book One
First person is a limited viewpoint. The story is described through the eyes of the main character. This has the advantage of encouraging readers to identify with the character concerned, and become emotionally involved in the story. It also helps create atmosphere and suspense.
In first person viewpoint, readers are shown the thoughts and feelings of the “I” character, and nobody else’s. There also can’t be any narration by the author.
First person is very good at getting the reader to identify with the character. It’s also good for humor and irony. One of the drawbacks, however, is that you can only show events which directly involve one character. This might limit some of your plot ideas.
Another drawback is that a single narrative voice could get old by the end of a long novel. But, good writers can do this and pull it off.
First person is becoming increasingly popular in modern fiction.
Third person limited
This is probably the most commonly used point of view. Harry Potter was told from this perspective. No one is referred to as “I” everyone is either “he” or “she.” The writer has greater flexibility with this style. You can skip from a scene in New York to one in Florida. However, every scene is still shown from the perspective of a viewpoint character.
Multiple viewpoints
This is a variation of limited viewpoint. In a multiple viewpoint story, each scene is still shown from a limited viewpoint – usually third person. Different chapters and sometimes scenes use different viewpoint characters.
If you use this approach, you will have to work hard to ensure that regular viewpoint changes don’t cause readers to lose interest. Also, look out for accidental "head popping." No, that's not a kung-fu move. It's when a writer switches too quickly from one character's thoughts to the next. When I say quickly, I mean from one sentence to the next, without warning. There are many examples of this online if you really want to look for it. However, as you read over your story, head popping can be easy to spot. When you suddenly don't know who's telling the story (whose viewpoint you are using) then you've most likely head popped.
Now is the time to decide which viewpoint you want to use in your novel and use it consistently in every scene.
Rants and ramblings of New York Times and USA Today Best-Selling paranormal romance author, Tracey H. Kitts. Here be monsters.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
How to get your novel started Part 2
As promised in the last post, today we're going to go over several reasons why many people think they can't write a book. We'll also go over some questions I feel it's important to ask yourself. It's always good to have a clear idea where you want to go with both your book and your future. I'll also discuss a couple of writing myths and finally, we'll get to your first writing exercise.
In case you missed the first post, here's the link:
Why do you want to write a book?
For a lot of people the answer is money. It’s true that some people can make a lot of money in this business. Like J.K. Rowling for example, author of the Harry Potter books. But did you know that when Rowling wrote her first book she was a single mom living on welfare? If that’s not inspiring I don’t know what is.
Do you want to eventually do this for a living or just on the side?
If you’re looking to make a living at writing, no matter how good your work is, you need to be able to write quickly. Say you earn only a few thousand dollars from the royalties off one book. If you could write four books a year, and market them well, you’re potentially talking about a good chunk of change.
But don’t overlook the fact that writing a book will (hopefully) bring with it the prestige of being called a published author. If you write a book about your profession, people will take you seriously. If you (for example) are an artist and write a book about painting, people will look to you as an expert in the field.
Don’t underestimate the satisfaction of writing your own book.
There’s certainly not a shortage of ideas out there. And a lot of people are intimated by that fact. No, the world doesn’t need another epic sci-fi novel or another story about vampires. It needs your epic sci-fi novel or your story about vampires.
Putting your unique spin on a story is what makes it yours and not just a copy of what’s already been done. Sure, if you’re going to write high fantasy there is a certain formula you’re expected to follow. You’ll probably need some elves, dwarves, and a hero on a quest. But aside from that, the story can be completely and uniquely your own.
If you’re thinking of writing a romance then you’ll need to plan on a happy ending. That doesn’t mean that everything is perfect by the end of the book, but you should end it on a positive or upward note. I also want to add that the main characters (hero and heroine) should have roughly the same life span by the end if you're writing a paranormal. The thought of one dying while the other is immortal is depressing and unappealing. If you're writing a series, at least end the books with hope for a HEA (Happily Ever After) in the future. That is of course, if we're talking about romance.
Right now I want everyone to write down the reason you haven’t written a novel before now.
I'm serious. Take a minute, and do this for yourself. Think it over and continue when you've finished.
The biggest mistake that people make is thinking that writers aren’t people just like everyone else. I know writers of all ages, races, and religions, in all parts of the world. And they’re just as human as you and me.
Hopefully, by the time you’ve finished this course you’ll understand that almost anyone who is willing to put forth the time and effort can write a book.
A lot of people think they don’t have anything to write about.
Sure you do. We’ve all experienced different things in life and those different things have influenced us well … differently. You could write about anything. It doesn’t have to be fiction. You could write about: Getting married, having a baby, volunteer work, how to get a date, how to survive being a broke college student, buying a house, buying a car, painting a picture, photography, grooming your dog. The list is endless.
Another excuse to not write is that everything has already been done.
That’s true. But it hasn’t been done by you.
How many of you said you don’t have time to write?
Most people do have busy lives, I’m one of them. You probably have a full-time job and a family to take care of. Maybe you could write early in the morning while everyone else is asleep or late at night? Some people even take a note pad to work and scribble down ideas on their lunch break. (I've done that in the past.)
If you want to write a book badly enough, you can make the time for it. They say that the average adult watches 7 hours of television a day. Couldn’t you spare just one for writing? Seven hours a day adds up to 49 hours a week! If you spent that much time on your writing there’s no telling what you could accomplish.
You also never know when you’ll get an idea. I keep note pads and pens everywhere.
Determine your best time to write and stick to it as much as possible. A schedule works well for many people. However, don't get upset when your plans get messed up. This happens almost every day with me, but I keep on writing.
The next excuse I hear a lot is “I’m no good at writing.”
You don’t have to make straight A’s in English to be an effective writer. Yes, you need to be literate and there’s nothing wrong with having several grammar and/or reference books handy. But the one thing you need to remember most is to write like you speak.
People enjoy books that they can really get into. And they can get into something that is on their own terms. Unless you’re trying to write something along the lines of literary classics, this will work for you.
(I’ll give examples of my work, first person vs. third and so on. I'll post this information tomorrow.)
I wouldn’t know where to start.
Many people are scared off of the project just by the size of the work ahead. A typical novel is 70,000 words or more. The key to writing a book is to break it down into manageable sections. This is where creating an outline will come into play.
Please, don't freak out when you hear the word "outline." I am not talking about one your English teacher would approve of. Ha. Ha. My outline often consists of post-it notes slapped into a manila folder. Seriously. When I say I'm not a planner, I mean I'm not obsessive about my plan. Sure, I do obsess, just not over the outline. My obsession is with the finished product.
Maybe you know what you’d like for each chapter to cover, maybe you don’t. It doesn’t matter. I never know what each chapter will be about. I have a list of points I want to cover within the book and I do so. I may add to those as I go, but the basic points are what forms my plot and that’s what I put on my outline.
Think of your outline as a guideline. If you think of something else you’d like to include, then change your outline to reflect it. (Slap another note in the folder.) The story will eventually start to tell itself. Don’t stifle that creativity. Just be sure it all makes sense.
People wouldn’t take me seriously.
The best thing you can do is don’t tell people what you’re doing. That way they can’t put you down or discourage your ideas. That might sound harsh, but it’s true. You’ve got to believe in yourself and very few other people will, at first. Maybe wait until after you’ve written the book to tell people.
When I started writing I told my husband and one close friend. The two people I knew would understand and encourage me. I told the more difficult people in my life after the fact. And the even more difficult people after I’d landed a contract.
I’m too young/too old to write a book.
Don't be silly. If you're an adult, you're not too young. If you're still breathing, you're not too old. Simple as that. Although, I'm sure there are many teens who could write a book, this is just a general answer to a question/complaint I've heard often. I'd like to add I think it's cool when someone who has lived a long life writes a book. Even if the book isn't about their life, they have so much experience to share. Actually, sharing it as fiction protects the guilty. Ha. Ha. Ha.
I’ve got a short attention span.
Well, good news, you’re not expected to write a book in one sitting. If you can stay focused for a few minutes or a few hours at a time, that’s all it takes.
I can’t get motivated.
If you keep thinking like that, you’ll never even start. Set small goals, like a page or two a day or even less if you need to. Once you see that you can accomplish smaller goals, you’ll not only feel better about your abilities, but it will take your mind off of the big goal: Writing a full-length novel.
Now that that's out of the way, I'd like to mention a few writing "myths." I call them myths because even though many people believe in these things, they are not a proven fact.
Myths debunked
There is no such thing as writer’s block.
But, life does happen. That's right, I went there. For more of my thoughts on the subject, check out my post Writer's Block? All you need is a good hammer.
Getting published by an epublisher is easy.
Seriously? Who started this one? It is just as difficult to be published by an epublisher as it is a traditional NY publisher. Standards are not lower, despite popular belief. However, new epubs do spring up all the time and many do not turn out good quality books. What I'm referring to here are the tried and true, legit epublishers that work hard and are good at what they do. If they are legit, they have standards.
Yes, there's a lot of info in this post. Now, we're going to move on to something very important. You need to be clear (at least in your own mind) when it comes to what exactly your book is about.
What do you want to write about?
Determining genre is crucial. Remember what I said in Part 1 about why a sci-fi, paranormal, comedy, romance might not be a good thing? Why is genre so important?
For one, you need to know who your audience is. Who do you think will likely purchase this book? Are you offering a valuable service or advice (self-help) or are you providing entertainment (fiction)?
Also, the bookstore needs to know which shelf to put you on and an editor or representative who communicates with distributors needs to have an easy way of telling them what you write. (Example, if I say horror or Stephen King, everyone knows what I’m talking about.)
Another quick note on romance. This isn't just because I write romance, but because the rules for this genre are different in many ways. And believe it or not, it is harder to write. I mention this here because as you determine genre (and begin to plan your story) you should have some general idea of how it will end.
If you write romance, you cannot kill off the hero or heroine – You will be crucified. Think once more about what I mentioned before. Are you willing to write a HEA?
Writing Exercise #1
Think of a topic. Any topic. Now list ten questions you’d like to ask about the topic. Once you’ve picked your topic and written your questions, try to arrange them in a way that would logically form an article, if you were going to write one.
Time yourself. You’ve got 20 minutes.
Asking questions and arranging them in some sort of order can be very effective in outlining your ideas. The same technique can be used with fiction. Which leads to brainstorming.
More on brainstorming later.
In between now and next week I want you to think about what you want to write. What genre will your story be?
Next we’ll start generating ideas for your book and work on our outline.
In case you missed the first post, here's the link:
Why do you want to write a book?
For a lot of people the answer is money. It’s true that some people can make a lot of money in this business. Like J.K. Rowling for example, author of the Harry Potter books. But did you know that when Rowling wrote her first book she was a single mom living on welfare? If that’s not inspiring I don’t know what is.
Do you want to eventually do this for a living or just on the side?
If you’re looking to make a living at writing, no matter how good your work is, you need to be able to write quickly. Say you earn only a few thousand dollars from the royalties off one book. If you could write four books a year, and market them well, you’re potentially talking about a good chunk of change.
But don’t overlook the fact that writing a book will (hopefully) bring with it the prestige of being called a published author. If you write a book about your profession, people will take you seriously. If you (for example) are an artist and write a book about painting, people will look to you as an expert in the field.
Don’t underestimate the satisfaction of writing your own book.
There’s certainly not a shortage of ideas out there. And a lot of people are intimated by that fact. No, the world doesn’t need another epic sci-fi novel or another story about vampires. It needs your epic sci-fi novel or your story about vampires.
Putting your unique spin on a story is what makes it yours and not just a copy of what’s already been done. Sure, if you’re going to write high fantasy there is a certain formula you’re expected to follow. You’ll probably need some elves, dwarves, and a hero on a quest. But aside from that, the story can be completely and uniquely your own.
If you’re thinking of writing a romance then you’ll need to plan on a happy ending. That doesn’t mean that everything is perfect by the end of the book, but you should end it on a positive or upward note. I also want to add that the main characters (hero and heroine) should have roughly the same life span by the end if you're writing a paranormal. The thought of one dying while the other is immortal is depressing and unappealing. If you're writing a series, at least end the books with hope for a HEA (Happily Ever After) in the future. That is of course, if we're talking about romance.
Right now I want everyone to write down the reason you haven’t written a novel before now.
I'm serious. Take a minute, and do this for yourself. Think it over and continue when you've finished.
The biggest mistake that people make is thinking that writers aren’t people just like everyone else. I know writers of all ages, races, and religions, in all parts of the world. And they’re just as human as you and me.
Hopefully, by the time you’ve finished this course you’ll understand that almost anyone who is willing to put forth the time and effort can write a book.
A lot of people think they don’t have anything to write about.
Sure you do. We’ve all experienced different things in life and those different things have influenced us well … differently. You could write about anything. It doesn’t have to be fiction. You could write about: Getting married, having a baby, volunteer work, how to get a date, how to survive being a broke college student, buying a house, buying a car, painting a picture, photography, grooming your dog. The list is endless.
Another excuse to not write is that everything has already been done.
That’s true. But it hasn’t been done by you.
How many of you said you don’t have time to write?
Most people do have busy lives, I’m one of them. You probably have a full-time job and a family to take care of. Maybe you could write early in the morning while everyone else is asleep or late at night? Some people even take a note pad to work and scribble down ideas on their lunch break. (I've done that in the past.)
If you want to write a book badly enough, you can make the time for it. They say that the average adult watches 7 hours of television a day. Couldn’t you spare just one for writing? Seven hours a day adds up to 49 hours a week! If you spent that much time on your writing there’s no telling what you could accomplish.
You also never know when you’ll get an idea. I keep note pads and pens everywhere.
Determine your best time to write and stick to it as much as possible. A schedule works well for many people. However, don't get upset when your plans get messed up. This happens almost every day with me, but I keep on writing.
The next excuse I hear a lot is “I’m no good at writing.”
You don’t have to make straight A’s in English to be an effective writer. Yes, you need to be literate and there’s nothing wrong with having several grammar and/or reference books handy. But the one thing you need to remember most is to write like you speak.
People enjoy books that they can really get into. And they can get into something that is on their own terms. Unless you’re trying to write something along the lines of literary classics, this will work for you.
(I’ll give examples of my work, first person vs. third and so on. I'll post this information tomorrow.)
I wouldn’t know where to start.
Many people are scared off of the project just by the size of the work ahead. A typical novel is 70,000 words or more. The key to writing a book is to break it down into manageable sections. This is where creating an outline will come into play.
Please, don't freak out when you hear the word "outline." I am not talking about one your English teacher would approve of. Ha. Ha. My outline often consists of post-it notes slapped into a manila folder. Seriously. When I say I'm not a planner, I mean I'm not obsessive about my plan. Sure, I do obsess, just not over the outline. My obsession is with the finished product.
Maybe you know what you’d like for each chapter to cover, maybe you don’t. It doesn’t matter. I never know what each chapter will be about. I have a list of points I want to cover within the book and I do so. I may add to those as I go, but the basic points are what forms my plot and that’s what I put on my outline.
Think of your outline as a guideline. If you think of something else you’d like to include, then change your outline to reflect it. (Slap another note in the folder.) The story will eventually start to tell itself. Don’t stifle that creativity. Just be sure it all makes sense.
People wouldn’t take me seriously.
The best thing you can do is don’t tell people what you’re doing. That way they can’t put you down or discourage your ideas. That might sound harsh, but it’s true. You’ve got to believe in yourself and very few other people will, at first. Maybe wait until after you’ve written the book to tell people.
When I started writing I told my husband and one close friend. The two people I knew would understand and encourage me. I told the more difficult people in my life after the fact. And the even more difficult people after I’d landed a contract.
I’m too young/too old to write a book.
Don't be silly. If you're an adult, you're not too young. If you're still breathing, you're not too old. Simple as that. Although, I'm sure there are many teens who could write a book, this is just a general answer to a question/complaint I've heard often. I'd like to add I think it's cool when someone who has lived a long life writes a book. Even if the book isn't about their life, they have so much experience to share. Actually, sharing it as fiction protects the guilty. Ha. Ha. Ha.
I’ve got a short attention span.
Well, good news, you’re not expected to write a book in one sitting. If you can stay focused for a few minutes or a few hours at a time, that’s all it takes.
I can’t get motivated.
If you keep thinking like that, you’ll never even start. Set small goals, like a page or two a day or even less if you need to. Once you see that you can accomplish smaller goals, you’ll not only feel better about your abilities, but it will take your mind off of the big goal: Writing a full-length novel.
Now that that's out of the way, I'd like to mention a few writing "myths." I call them myths because even though many people believe in these things, they are not a proven fact.
Myths debunked
There is no such thing as writer’s block.
But, life does happen. That's right, I went there. For more of my thoughts on the subject, check out my post Writer's Block? All you need is a good hammer.
Getting published by an epublisher is easy.
Seriously? Who started this one? It is just as difficult to be published by an epublisher as it is a traditional NY publisher. Standards are not lower, despite popular belief. However, new epubs do spring up all the time and many do not turn out good quality books. What I'm referring to here are the tried and true, legit epublishers that work hard and are good at what they do. If they are legit, they have standards.
Yes, there's a lot of info in this post. Now, we're going to move on to something very important. You need to be clear (at least in your own mind) when it comes to what exactly your book is about.
What do you want to write about?
Determining genre is crucial. Remember what I said in Part 1 about why a sci-fi, paranormal, comedy, romance might not be a good thing? Why is genre so important?
For one, you need to know who your audience is. Who do you think will likely purchase this book? Are you offering a valuable service or advice (self-help) or are you providing entertainment (fiction)?
Also, the bookstore needs to know which shelf to put you on and an editor or representative who communicates with distributors needs to have an easy way of telling them what you write. (Example, if I say horror or Stephen King, everyone knows what I’m talking about.)
Another quick note on romance. This isn't just because I write romance, but because the rules for this genre are different in many ways. And believe it or not, it is harder to write. I mention this here because as you determine genre (and begin to plan your story) you should have some general idea of how it will end.
If you write romance, you cannot kill off the hero or heroine – You will be crucified. Think once more about what I mentioned before. Are you willing to write a HEA?
Writing Exercise #1
Think of a topic. Any topic. Now list ten questions you’d like to ask about the topic. Once you’ve picked your topic and written your questions, try to arrange them in a way that would logically form an article, if you were going to write one.
Time yourself. You’ve got 20 minutes.
Asking questions and arranging them in some sort of order can be very effective in outlining your ideas. The same technique can be used with fiction. Which leads to brainstorming.
More on brainstorming later.
In between now and next week I want you to think about what you want to write. What genre will your story be?
Next we’ll start generating ideas for your book and work on our outline.
how to start a novel,
Tracey H. Kitts,
writing class
Sunday, November 27, 2011
As the bacon sizzles
Wouldn't that make a fabulous name for a soap opera? HAHAHA Seriously, I'm writing this post as bacon sizzles in my kitchen. When many people think of writing full time they have visions of sitting at a computer in silence or in an office undisturbed. I understand, I used to have those visions myself.
As I sat (long ago in a far away hell) in my office I used to dream of the day that I could write full time. Don't get me wrong, I love my life and I love writing. BUT, it's nothing like I imagined.
I'm cooking while I do my final edit on Shaman's Touch before sending it to my editor. Yes, this is a self-edit, not one requested by my editor. That's something else a lot of people don't realize, in order for your work to look good and catch the attention of the right people, it needs to be as close to perfection as possible when you turn it in. Sure, editing is the editor's job, but cleaning up your mess isn't. Those are two different things. The fact that I've always polished my work is one thing I believe helped me to find a publisher so quickly.
But, back to the topic. I'm polishing this book up while I cook. I've got laundry in the machine, and the bed is waiting to be made. My son is out of school, so he's walking the dog today. Thank God. I love Roscoe, but he needs attention and exercise every day too:)
Let us not forget that so many people in my life think that because I'm at home, I'm not doing anything. Ugh. "Tracey is at home, get her to do it." Whatever it may be. Unless they also write, most people don't seem to get that books don't magically appear on the page. Or that just because you've got an hour to yourself doesn't mean you can turn out 10 pages. Although, I've certainly done this many times. If I'm tired, frustrated, or otherwise annoyed, I'll be doing good to calm down/relax and manage 3 pages in that time. It all depends on how the day has gone.
My point is, writing full time is a full time job. I have to fight for the moments alone, stealing away to my computer like it's a secret lover. Maybe it is. I do often fantasize about my fingers sliding over those keys. *sigh* But I digress.
Now that I'm here all the time, all the duties of the house fall on me. I don't mind except that no one seems to realize how much I do, but that's just a part of life. I'm not bitching exactly, so much as I want to give people a real look at a full time writer's life. This is me all day, every day. I never switch it off. I'm constantly working on something new, even when I just finished a book.
New ideas are always in my head. I make notes while I cook dinner and hurry from the laundry to write something down. You either are a writer or you're not. And if you are, you'll find a way to manage it.
Now, if you'll excuse me, my bacon is burning.
As I sat (long ago in a far away hell) in my office I used to dream of the day that I could write full time. Don't get me wrong, I love my life and I love writing. BUT, it's nothing like I imagined.
I'm cooking while I do my final edit on Shaman's Touch before sending it to my editor. Yes, this is a self-edit, not one requested by my editor. That's something else a lot of people don't realize, in order for your work to look good and catch the attention of the right people, it needs to be as close to perfection as possible when you turn it in. Sure, editing is the editor's job, but cleaning up your mess isn't. Those are two different things. The fact that I've always polished my work is one thing I believe helped me to find a publisher so quickly.
But, back to the topic. I'm polishing this book up while I cook. I've got laundry in the machine, and the bed is waiting to be made. My son is out of school, so he's walking the dog today. Thank God. I love Roscoe, but he needs attention and exercise every day too:)
Let us not forget that so many people in my life think that because I'm at home, I'm not doing anything. Ugh. "Tracey is at home, get her to do it." Whatever it may be. Unless they also write, most people don't seem to get that books don't magically appear on the page. Or that just because you've got an hour to yourself doesn't mean you can turn out 10 pages. Although, I've certainly done this many times. If I'm tired, frustrated, or otherwise annoyed, I'll be doing good to calm down/relax and manage 3 pages in that time. It all depends on how the day has gone.
My point is, writing full time is a full time job. I have to fight for the moments alone, stealing away to my computer like it's a secret lover. Maybe it is. I do often fantasize about my fingers sliding over those keys. *sigh* But I digress.
Now that I'm here all the time, all the duties of the house fall on me. I don't mind except that no one seems to realize how much I do, but that's just a part of life. I'm not bitching exactly, so much as I want to give people a real look at a full time writer's life. This is me all day, every day. I never switch it off. I'm constantly working on something new, even when I just finished a book.
New ideas are always in my head. I make notes while I cook dinner and hurry from the laundry to write something down. You either are a writer or you're not. And if you are, you'll find a way to manage it.
Now, if you'll excuse me, my bacon is burning.
how to start a novel,
Tracey H. Kitts,
writing life
Friday, November 25, 2011
How to get your novel started - Part 1
You have to make a commitment to put time and effort into creating a written work. But that doesn’t mean you have to be a slave to your keyboard. The best writers are the ones who also have experienced life and you can’t do that behind a computer. At the very least, you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing you completed a novel, and at best, your life may be changed forever.
Please don’t let the prospect of writing a work of novel-length fiction scare you. If you dwell on it, you can talk yourself right out of your dream. I will guide you step by step through the process of forming your ideas. I’ll share some of my own tips and techniques which anyone can learn and apply.
So, who am I to tell you all this? My name is Tracey H. Kitts. I have been writing stories pretty much since I could write. My first novel was published in August, 2007 with New Concepts Publishing. Since then I have had 15 full-length novels, 3 novellas, and 1 short story published. My books were released first as ebooks. The majority of my stories have also been released in print form as well.
Now 2007 may sound very recent to you for me to be teaching a writing class. The truth is I’m not new to writing; it's something I've always done for my own entertainment. However when I decided to write my first novel I completed books one and two in my werewolf hunter series in 3 months. That includes the time it took me to self-edit the work. What’s more, it only took me five months to find a publisher. I may not be a household name yet, but I’m doing what I love.
The purpose of these posts (or class if you want to call it that) is to help you achieve similar or maybe even greater results. However, you can’t get there until you learn to organize your ideas. That’s what I’ll help you do. For a complete bio on me and information about my books, you can check me out at
You can find my books through my website,, http://www.newconceptspublishing,com/, Amazon, or many other ebook retailers.
I’ll start by giving you a brief overview of what you can expect from this class.
I’ll share with you some of the direct and indirect benefits of writing a book.
I’ll debunk some common myths about writing and show you how you can write a book.
You’ll learn how to create an outline for your ideas.
You’ll learn how to brainstorm effectively to generate new ideas.
By the end of this course, you should have all you need to start writing your novel!
Also, don't worry about the fact that I write romance. This course is for everybody. It's not about how to write romance; it's about how to get your novel started, no matter what your book is about.
We'll discuss genre later on and why a clear determination of genre is so important. You may think that a sci-fi, paranormal, comedy, romance is the greatest thing since sliced bread. But trust me, your editor will not.
This post is to give you all a general overview of what will be covered. Naturally, I'm bound to add more as we go:) It's what I do. Ha. Ha. Ha.
If you have questions, please feel free to leave them in the comments.
In the next installment we'll discuss (among other things) why so many people think they can't write a novel. I'll also give you your first writing exercise. Doesn't that sound exciting?
Please don’t let the prospect of writing a work of novel-length fiction scare you. If you dwell on it, you can talk yourself right out of your dream. I will guide you step by step through the process of forming your ideas. I’ll share some of my own tips and techniques which anyone can learn and apply.
So, who am I to tell you all this? My name is Tracey H. Kitts. I have been writing stories pretty much since I could write. My first novel was published in August, 2007 with New Concepts Publishing. Since then I have had 15 full-length novels, 3 novellas, and 1 short story published. My books were released first as ebooks. The majority of my stories have also been released in print form as well.
Now 2007 may sound very recent to you for me to be teaching a writing class. The truth is I’m not new to writing; it's something I've always done for my own entertainment. However when I decided to write my first novel I completed books one and two in my werewolf hunter series in 3 months. That includes the time it took me to self-edit the work. What’s more, it only took me five months to find a publisher. I may not be a household name yet, but I’m doing what I love.
The purpose of these posts (or class if you want to call it that) is to help you achieve similar or maybe even greater results. However, you can’t get there until you learn to organize your ideas. That’s what I’ll help you do. For a complete bio on me and information about my books, you can check me out at
You can find my books through my website,, http://www.newconceptspublishing,com/, Amazon, or many other ebook retailers.
I’ll start by giving you a brief overview of what you can expect from this class.
I’ll share with you some of the direct and indirect benefits of writing a book.
I’ll debunk some common myths about writing and show you how you can write a book.
You’ll learn how to create an outline for your ideas.
You’ll learn how to brainstorm effectively to generate new ideas.
By the end of this course, you should have all you need to start writing your novel!
Also, don't worry about the fact that I write romance. This course is for everybody. It's not about how to write romance; it's about how to get your novel started, no matter what your book is about.
We'll discuss genre later on and why a clear determination of genre is so important. You may think that a sci-fi, paranormal, comedy, romance is the greatest thing since sliced bread. But trust me, your editor will not.
This post is to give you all a general overview of what will be covered. Naturally, I'm bound to add more as we go:) It's what I do. Ha. Ha. Ha.
If you have questions, please feel free to leave them in the comments.
In the next installment we'll discuss (among other things) why so many people think they can't write a novel. I'll also give you your first writing exercise. Doesn't that sound exciting?
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Writer's Block? All you need is a good hammer.
First, I'd like to say that I don't believe in writer's block. Really. I believe that life happens. We've all got bills to pay. Most of us have children to take care of, pets, and God knows what else. Thinking about all of those things often leaves little time for creativity.
In this post, I'll share a few tips that have never failed to help me when I'm having trouble concentrating. These are just a few short "tricks" that work for me. In the next few weeks, I'll be offering a writing class here on my blog. I'll answer questions that are posted in the comments, so help me spread the word:)
This class will be all about How To Get Your Novel Started! So many people have asked me how to start that I actually put together a class from all my emails. I figured, why not share that information with everyone else? So, get ready. There will be more to come.
In the meantime, here are a few ideas to help spark your creativity.
This is my favorite. Take out a dictionary. Close your eyes and point to 3 words. Write them down. Now, give yourself 5 minutes to write a paragraph that includes all 3 words. I've started novels this way! (And actually sold them to publishers where they went on to sale very well.)
Something else really simple, listen to music. Beethoven and R&B are my favorites, but everyone has their own "sound" of inspiration.
The third thing that helps me most often is a Baby Name Dictionary. I'll read through (or point at random) and then read the meaning of the name. Often times I can come up with a character's whole personality just by knowing their name.
I hope these tips were helpful! Tune in for more in a few days. I'm hoping to start the writing class after Thanksgiving!
In this post, I'll share a few tips that have never failed to help me when I'm having trouble concentrating. These are just a few short "tricks" that work for me. In the next few weeks, I'll be offering a writing class here on my blog. I'll answer questions that are posted in the comments, so help me spread the word:)
This class will be all about How To Get Your Novel Started! So many people have asked me how to start that I actually put together a class from all my emails. I figured, why not share that information with everyone else? So, get ready. There will be more to come.
In the meantime, here are a few ideas to help spark your creativity.
This is my favorite. Take out a dictionary. Close your eyes and point to 3 words. Write them down. Now, give yourself 5 minutes to write a paragraph that includes all 3 words. I've started novels this way! (And actually sold them to publishers where they went on to sale very well.)
Something else really simple, listen to music. Beethoven and R&B are my favorites, but everyone has their own "sound" of inspiration.
The third thing that helps me most often is a Baby Name Dictionary. I'll read through (or point at random) and then read the meaning of the name. Often times I can come up with a character's whole personality just by knowing their name.
I hope these tips were helpful! Tune in for more in a few days. I'm hoping to start the writing class after Thanksgiving!
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Do headless chickens really run?

I don't know, but considering how busy I've been this month, I've wondered more than once. Ha. Ha. I've had a lot going on. Besides the holidays quickly approaching, I've been working on several new projects. Plus, I've been trying desperately to keep up with a new workout program. The workout program had to be put on pause due to a stomach flu. I'm all better now and ready to give it another shot after Thanksgiving.
As for the writing stuff (cause I hate to call something I love work), allow me to catch you up.
I'm thrilled to say that I finally finished Shaman's Touch. Very soon now, I'll be finished with my final read-through and sending it off to my editor. Ah, that's a great feeling.
Plus (and even more exciting) my editor at Ellora's Cave, Raelene Gorlinsky mentioned me in a post on USA Today's new HEA (Happily Ever After) blog! I was so shocked and pleased to see she recommended Raven's Destiny.
Here's a link to the article.¬if_t=comment_mention#f272dd5198130c
As for other news, I've had a new release this month, Touch of an Incubus, and I'm still trying to spread the word.

Like I said, I've often wondered if chickens really do run around with their heads cut off. It feels as if I cannot catch my breath these past few weeks. If I can only finish cleaning my house, I think I'll call it good enough.
Is it just me or do other writers have difficulty catching their breath some months? Actually, I think most people in general have difficulty this time of year. Ha. Ha. Ha.
Have a great Thanksgiving! I'll stop rambling now. I promise. Hey, the top of this blog does warn about the occasional ramblings.
new book,
Shaman's Touch,
Touch of an Incubus,
Are you afraid of the Big Bad Turkey?

I know a lot of people are. The thought of having to do the turkey is enough to scare an unseasoned cook. (Get it? HAHAHA) But fear not! For I shall show thee how to cook that bird!
Okay, all joking aside, this is a really good recipe for turkey. Don't be intimidated by the length of the article, I'll break it down. Oh, and remember this recipe is for after the turkey has been thawed. Directions for how to do this properly should be on the turkey. And you should start on thawing at least one day ahead. Maybe more depending on the size of your bird.
Traditional Stuffed Turkey
12 to 14 pound turkey with the giblets reserved (You also don't have to use giblets, but can instead use some cooked turkey meat. I'll explain later. I also never use the liver. Gives me the wiggins. LOL)
1 lemon, halved
salt and pepper
butter, melted
Meat Stuffing:
4 to 6 Tablespoons butter
2 onions, finely chopped
6 ounce lean ground turkey
Reserved turkey heart and liver (or cooked turkey meat) finely chopped (The easiest thing to do is purchase a few slices of turkey from the deli and chop them finely. You could also make this without the meat.)
1 pound fresh chestnuts
2 cups strained turkey broth
1/2 cup raw unprocessed rice
1 cup fresh bread crumbs
2 cooking apples, peeled, cored and finely chopped (Cooking apples can be any kind of apples you think taste good. Red Delicious is a great variety for this.)
Take fresh chestnuts and slit the base of each shell crosswise, boil for 5 minutes, peel and break into small pieces.
To make broth: simmer the reserved turkey neck and gizzard (or chopped cooked turkey) in 3 cups water for 45 minutes, then strain turkey broth.
Wash the turkey in cold water, pat it dry inside and out, and leave it for 30 minutes while you cook your stuffing.
For the stuffing, heat the butter in a skillet and fry the onions until they begin to change color, then add the ground turkey and simmer gently for 15 minutes.
Add the turkey heart and liver, (or chopped cooked turkey) the chestnuts, and pine nuts and simmer for another 5 minutes.
Add the broth and bring this to a boil.
Add the rice and cook quickly for 10 minutes, then add the bread crumbs, and apples.
Stir well.
To stuff the turkey, slit the skin at the back of the neck and cut off the neck down to the turkey's shoulders if the neck has not already been removed.
Lightly fill the cavity, remembering that the stuffing always swells and too much swelling might cause the neck skin to burst.
Sew or pin with a skewer the neck flap to the back of the turkey.
Just as lightly, fill the body cavity, and sew or skewer this together.
Tie the legs to the tail and fix the wings snugly to the body.
Do not bring the cord across the breast lest it mark the skin.
Rub the turkey cut with lemon, salt, pepper and melted butter and place it in a large, shallow pan in a moderate oven (preheat to 350 degrees, then lower temperature to 325 degrees).
Roast it according to its weight when stuffed, allowing 25 to 30 minutes per pound.
Extra stuffing can be roasted in a pan for 45 minutes or so and served with the turkey. Or it can be made into rissoles by shaping it into small balls, dipping them into beaten egg and bread crumbs, and then frying them in butter, to be served as a garnish.
Cook the turkey until temperature reaches 170 degrees F in the breast and 180 degrees F in the thigh. Cooking times are for planning purposes only - always use a meat thermometer to determine doneness.
Now, that wasn't so terrible, was it? Don't forget to serve it with a pretty garnish. Parsley and cherry tomatoes are always good:)
Okay, all joking aside, this is a really good recipe for turkey. Don't be intimidated by the length of the article, I'll break it down. Oh, and remember this recipe is for after the turkey has been thawed. Directions for how to do this properly should be on the turkey. And you should start on thawing at least one day ahead. Maybe more depending on the size of your bird.
Traditional Stuffed Turkey
12 to 14 pound turkey with the giblets reserved (You also don't have to use giblets, but can instead use some cooked turkey meat. I'll explain later. I also never use the liver. Gives me the wiggins. LOL)
1 lemon, halved
salt and pepper
butter, melted
Meat Stuffing:
4 to 6 Tablespoons butter
2 onions, finely chopped
6 ounce lean ground turkey
Reserved turkey heart and liver (or cooked turkey meat) finely chopped (The easiest thing to do is purchase a few slices of turkey from the deli and chop them finely. You could also make this without the meat.)
1 pound fresh chestnuts
2 cups strained turkey broth
1/2 cup raw unprocessed rice
1 cup fresh bread crumbs
2 cooking apples, peeled, cored and finely chopped (Cooking apples can be any kind of apples you think taste good. Red Delicious is a great variety for this.)
Take fresh chestnuts and slit the base of each shell crosswise, boil for 5 minutes, peel and break into small pieces.
To make broth: simmer the reserved turkey neck and gizzard (or chopped cooked turkey) in 3 cups water for 45 minutes, then strain turkey broth.
Wash the turkey in cold water, pat it dry inside and out, and leave it for 30 minutes while you cook your stuffing.
For the stuffing, heat the butter in a skillet and fry the onions until they begin to change color, then add the ground turkey and simmer gently for 15 minutes.
Add the turkey heart and liver, (or chopped cooked turkey) the chestnuts, and pine nuts and simmer for another 5 minutes.
Add the broth and bring this to a boil.
Add the rice and cook quickly for 10 minutes, then add the bread crumbs, and apples.
Stir well.
To stuff the turkey, slit the skin at the back of the neck and cut off the neck down to the turkey's shoulders if the neck has not already been removed.
Lightly fill the cavity, remembering that the stuffing always swells and too much swelling might cause the neck skin to burst.
Sew or pin with a skewer the neck flap to the back of the turkey.
Just as lightly, fill the body cavity, and sew or skewer this together.
Tie the legs to the tail and fix the wings snugly to the body.
Do not bring the cord across the breast lest it mark the skin.
Rub the turkey cut with lemon, salt, pepper and melted butter and place it in a large, shallow pan in a moderate oven (preheat to 350 degrees, then lower temperature to 325 degrees).
Roast it according to its weight when stuffed, allowing 25 to 30 minutes per pound.
Extra stuffing can be roasted in a pan for 45 minutes or so and served with the turkey. Or it can be made into rissoles by shaping it into small balls, dipping them into beaten egg and bread crumbs, and then frying them in butter, to be served as a garnish.
Cook the turkey until temperature reaches 170 degrees F in the breast and 180 degrees F in the thigh. Cooking times are for planning purposes only - always use a meat thermometer to determine doneness.
Now, that wasn't so terrible, was it? Don't forget to serve it with a pretty garnish. Parsley and cherry tomatoes are always good:)
If you need a break while your turkey is cooking, why not check out my latest release? Touch of an Incubus is short (so you can read it during a break) and it's only .69 cents.

Purchase Link:
Monday, November 14, 2011
My NaNoWriMo project is finished!
Already? Yep. And the month isn't even over yet! I'm so proud. Tonight I finished Shaman's Touch. I've been working on this book off and on (between other projects) for over a year. Now, I can honestly say I believe this is the best book I've written so far and I can't wait for my fans to read it.
I put lots of time, research and much of my knowledge of the fairy world into this book. Not to mention some hilarious moments. These characters wouldn't shut up, so there's lots of dialogue. But, according to all my reviewers and readers, dialogue is something I'm good at. *big grin*
I'm gonna do another thorough self-edit, maybe embellish a bit here and there, but the project is basically done. Once I add a bit more polish, it's off it my editor. I hope she loves it like I do :)
By the way, I've written 19,022 words in the past 5 days. I'm gonna rest my fingers now. Wait ... where the hell is that smoke coming from?
I put lots of time, research and much of my knowledge of the fairy world into this book. Not to mention some hilarious moments. These characters wouldn't shut up, so there's lots of dialogue. But, according to all my reviewers and readers, dialogue is something I'm good at. *big grin*
I'm gonna do another thorough self-edit, maybe embellish a bit here and there, but the project is basically done. Once I add a bit more polish, it's off it my editor. I hope she loves it like I do :)
By the way, I've written 19,022 words in the past 5 days. I'm gonna rest my fingers now. Wait ... where the hell is that smoke coming from?
new book,
Shaman's Touch,
Tracey H. Kitts,
Saturday, November 12, 2011
New Release - Touch of an Incubus

I've got a brand, spanking new release with Ellora's Cave! The best part? It's only .69 cents!
Here are the details:
From the moment they met, Claire wanted Leon. The tall, dark incubus has more than his share of sex appeal. The thing is, Claire isn’t looking for the best night of her life; she’s looking for a relationship. Leon is more than willing to provide the best sex ever, but what about the rest?
Claire finally gives in to her desires. The only thing that’s held her back this long is that whole issue of “forever”—Leon is an immortal incubus. Even though she has doubts, Claire doesn’t want to miss her chance to experience a sex demon’s desire. Besides, he just might be thinking of forever too.
Purchase Link:
And while I'm thinking about it, you know you want to become an official fan. HAHAHA
Follow me on Facebook:!/pages/Tracey-H-Kitts/73968579374?sk=wall
Hope everyone enjoys the story!
Monday, November 7, 2011
Sex Symbol - Official Trailer
I've done my own book trailers from the beginning, but haven't had the chance to make one in a while. First, royalty free music can be difficult to find. Especially, if you want it to fit the mood correctly. Not to mention, Microsoft Office changed the software I loved so much, the original Movie Maker.
Beyond that, I had my doubts as to whether or not book trailers actually led to more sales or were just pretty to look at.
Regardless, I couldn't resist making a trailer for Sex Symbol. And (drum roll please) here it is. TADA!!!
Beyond that, I had my doubts as to whether or not book trailers actually led to more sales or were just pretty to look at.
Regardless, I couldn't resist making a trailer for Sex Symbol. And (drum roll please) here it is. TADA!!!
Thursday, November 3, 2011
NaNoWriMo? Not exactly
While I know many people who are trying to write an entire novel this month, I'm not one of them. Ha. Ha. Ha. I do, however, have a goal. Oh yes. I want to finish the book I'm working on!
I think that's a perfectly good goal for NaNoWriMo. This story will probably be around 75,000 words. I've got 28,066 to go:)
I started this book (which I'm calling Shaman's Touch) in July 2010! Sure, I've finished several projects since then. However, I think it's high time I finished THIS project.
My house is clean, the dog has been fed, the laundry is done, and I've got a fresh pot of coffee brewing. I can't think of a better time to get to work.
I think that's a perfectly good goal for NaNoWriMo. This story will probably be around 75,000 words. I've got 28,066 to go:)
I started this book (which I'm calling Shaman's Touch) in July 2010! Sure, I've finished several projects since then. However, I think it's high time I finished THIS project.
My house is clean, the dog has been fed, the laundry is done, and I've got a fresh pot of coffee brewing. I can't think of a better time to get to work.
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