Sunday, November 27, 2011

As the bacon sizzles

Wouldn't that make a fabulous name for a soap opera? HAHAHA Seriously, I'm writing this post as bacon sizzles in my kitchen. When many people think of writing full time they have visions of sitting at a computer in silence or in an office undisturbed. I understand, I used to have those visions myself.

As I sat (long ago in a far away hell) in my office I used to dream of the day that I could write full time. Don't get me wrong, I love my life and I love writing. BUT, it's nothing like I imagined.

I'm cooking while I do my final edit on Shaman's Touch before sending it to my editor. Yes, this is a self-edit, not one requested by my editor. That's something else a lot of people don't realize, in order for your work to look good and catch the attention of the right people, it needs to be as close to perfection as possible when you turn it in. Sure, editing is the editor's job, but cleaning up your mess isn't. Those are two different things. The fact that I've always polished my work is one thing I believe helped me to find a publisher so quickly.

But, back to the topic. I'm polishing this book up while I cook. I've got laundry in the machine, and the bed is waiting to be made. My son is out of school, so he's walking the dog today. Thank God. I love Roscoe, but he needs attention and exercise every day too:)

Let us not forget that so many people in my life think that because I'm at home, I'm not doing anything. Ugh. "Tracey is at home, get her to do it." Whatever it may be. Unless they also write, most people don't seem to get that books don't magically appear on the page. Or that just because you've got an hour to yourself doesn't mean you can turn out 10 pages. Although, I've certainly done this many times. If I'm tired, frustrated, or otherwise annoyed, I'll be doing good to calm down/relax and manage 3 pages in that time. It all depends on how the day has gone.

My point is, writing full time is a full time job. I have to fight for the moments alone, stealing away to my computer like it's a secret lover. Maybe it is. I do often fantasize about my fingers sliding over those keys. *sigh* But I digress.

Now that I'm here all the time, all the duties of the house fall on me. I don't mind except that no one seems to realize how much I do, but that's just a part of life. I'm not bitching exactly, so much as I want to give people a real look at a full time writer's life. This is me all day, every day. I never switch it off. I'm constantly working on something new, even when I just finished a book.

New ideas are always in my head. I make notes while I cook dinner and hurry from the laundry to write something down. You either are a writer or you're not. And if you are, you'll find a way to manage it.

Now, if you'll excuse me, my bacon is burning.

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