Friday, December 14, 2007

Writing Horny

That's right, this post is about writing horny. See, writing horny is a lot like going to the grocery store hungry. Sometimes, you just shouldn't do it. You always end up with something you didn't need, but it looked good at the time. Maybe you crave something sweet, so you end up with chocolate instead of fruit. Or, maybe you end up writing about a vampire foursome, like in my case. LOL

You know how it is. You're home alone, you're bored. You think, "Hey, maybe I'll write a little while I've got a minute." And the next thing you know, Dracula is naked.

The point is, when you write horny (just like shopping hungry) you always end up taking something home with you that you should have left at the store. There are times when the vamps should keep their clothes on and times when they desperately need to take them off. Then there are other times when I desperately need them to take it off.

Maybe the next time I write about vampires, I'll just get an ice pack instead of a glass of wine.


Meagan Hatfield said...


The sad thing is I can relate...

Marly Mathews said...

LOL, thanks for the laugh, Tracey!


Tracey H. Kitts said...

LOL Nice to know I'm not alone there, Meagan:) And I'm glad you got a kick out of it, Marly:)

It's so true it isn't even funny. Well, okay so it is funny. But it's still true.

Pamela Tyner said...

OMG! I've experienced this too, lol. Glad to know there are others like me.